Source: | Date of issue: 2021-04-28 00:00:00 | Views: 123653
To further verify whether the operation of the company's quality management system meets the requirements of the standard, whether it is effectively implemented, maintained and improved, and to provide a basis for continuous improvement. From April 9th to 15th, Sanyou Dissan carried out a 4-day internal audit of the quality management system.
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, GB/T19001-2016 standards, company system documents and related rules and regulations, the audit team adopts a combination of preliminary communication, information review, on-site investigation and result verification to control procurement, contract acceptance, delivery and Key production control processes such as after-sales service, quality analysis and evaluation, warehouse management and production provision have been thoroughly and carefully reviewed.
According to the company’s principle of “not letting go of problems found”, the audit team raised a number of issues that need improvement, and at the same time expressed affirmation of the process that is running well. After discussion, the audit team believes that the company's quality management system meets the requirements of the standard, and the key production control process has been effectively implemented, maintained and improved; the company's quality management system has a high level of operation and has the ability to ensure continuous and stable supply of qualified products to customers And satisfactory service.